Bullitt county humane sOCIETY
758 Old Preston Highway South, Shepherdsville, Kentucky, 40165
Our Wish List
Creature Comforts
Creature Comforts
- Blankets, towels, pet beds and comforters (clean, gently used)
- Heating pads (electric and microwavable) and SnuggleSafe Microwavable Bed Warmers
- Interactive DVDs for dogs
- Bandana fabric and dog hair bows
- Paper towel and toilet paper rolls (to make enrichment toys for pets)
- Kuranda beds
- Cat food (dry and canned)
- Paper food trays for cat feeding time. (Example here: http://tinyurl.com/ltheycg)
- Cat litter (clay, unscented)
- Uncovered plastic litter boxes
- Cat toys, including pipe cleaners, cat wands, feathers and paper bags
- Cat tunnels
- Cat nail clippers
- Scratching posts
- Kitten bottles/nipples and KMR (kitten milk replacer) formula
- Wild bird seed (for our bird feeder outside the cat colonies, which the cats love to watch!)
- Disposable litter boxes for training room activities
- Plastic rings from milk and juice jugs
- Icalm cats (an auditory program designed to soothe cats)
- Dog crates (large plastic and wire)
- Temporary metal fencing for both large dogs and puppy play pens
- Dog food (canned only)
- Dog toys (durable, non-plush), Nylabones and puzzle toys with stuffers such as peanut butter and Cheese Whiz
- Dog treats (soft only, please; no rawhides), including Vienna sausages, Natural Balance dog food rolls, meat-flavored baby food, canned chicken in watter, canned tuna in water and canned squirt cheese
- Marshmallows (hypo-allergic treat for dogs)
- Puppy training pads for office fosters
- Dog/Puppy gates for offices
- Small brown-paper lunch bags (used for enrichment)
- Leather Brothers 6’ Slip Leads
- 3-inchx 10-foot pvc pipe with 3-inch pvc end caps (used for enrichment)
- Muffin tins (used for enrichment)
- Icalm dogs (an auditory program used to calm dogs)
- Bleach
- Laundry detergent
- Disinfectant (aerosol cans)
- Paper towels (multi-packs, if possible)
- Safety glasses (to protect us when working with chemicals and/or quarantined areas)
- Disposable non-skid shoe covers/booties (to protect us when working in quarantined areas; large or XL preferred)
- Disposable gloves (large-size preferred)
- Mesh laundry bags
- Hand Soap
- Digital cameras (new and gently used)
- New or gently used laptop or desktop computer
- Two-way radio /walkie-talkie set to streamline communication within the shelter
- Heavy-Duty Scrub Brushes
- Two-step step ladders and stools
- Contractor-grade hoses (75 foot and 100 foot)
- Zip-close sandwich bags
- Zip-close one gallon bags
- Plastic bags (from trips to Kroger, Target, etc.)
- Freezer for frozen treats and dog food. (Please call regarding delivery)
- Feeders Supply Gift Cards